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Imagem do WhatsApp de 2024-03-04 à(s) 19

René is a Brazilian and Portuguese visual artist, based in São Paulo, Brazil. Despite art being part of his life since childhood, René had a career as publisher and  top executive in the publishing market for 30 years. However, for decades René lived the dichotomy between being an executive and being an artist, which founded his pragmatic artistic poetics when he definitively took up art as a way of life at the age of 58. His research is about human race, but from the ethological perceptive, meaning, the human behavior and social organization from an anthropological perspective. He is concerned about humankind's lack of understanding of its role in world as the dominant species. His art presents a dense narrative, full of ordinary archetypes rousing the feeling of a familiar, but disturbing place.


“Connected by memories, reflections, the scenes kindle a series of possible readings. And this is the most surprising aspect of Agostinho’s work (*).”

(*) read the complete review of Dr. Gustavo Curcio, PhD and Professor at FAU/USP

Infinitos Interno I_ Inner Infinite  I_e
artist menber of 


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